Mu Coin (MUC) Tokenomics

     Number Shorthand Percentage  
  Name of Token:MU Coin    Total Mu Coin Supply    1,000,000,000,000,000 1 Quadrillion 100% 
 Token Symbol: MUC   Presale Allocation200,000,000,000,000 200 Trillion20%  
  Token Type:ERC-20    Initial Public Sale750,000,000,000,000 750 Trillion75% 
 Decimals:  18  Developers/Advisors50,000,000,000,000 5 Trillion 5% 

Contract address:  0xd3e1ec29e82ec82d84dfeb3044f979d2e6953704

Mu Coin promotions/giveaways are conducted out of our developer/advisor's allocation.
Presale allocation is tentatively expected to be offered through AirSwap, a decentralized token trading network.
Initial public sale pricing is currently under evaluation.